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Inpatient Perscription Verification

Verify inpatient prescriptions, ER orders, and IMO orders, that have been entered into CPRS and will log-in to VISTA to check pending/non-verified orders in a timely manner during the after hours when the local pharmacy closes until it reopens, 7 days a week.  WPS will provide you with a toll-free number for medial staff to request information and have access to pharmacists throughout the night.

Each medication is reviewed for the following:

  • A diagnosis, condition, or indication for use
  • drug-to-drug interactions
  • Dose, frequency, and route of administration are appropriate based on indication, disease state, age, potential and actual food and drug interactions, renal/hepatic function
  • Therapeutic duplications
  • Resident allergies or potential sensitivities
  • Potential and actual adverse drug reactions

Committed to Veteran Care

(480) 508.7878

13634 East Williams Field Road, Gilbert, AZ

Cage Code: 81BD6 DUNS#: 018040616

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